Just out of curiosity, what is the name of the man whose image you've used to illustrate your article? What is his nationality? Is he Swiss--you're writing about your experience in Switzerland, after all--or some other nationality? What is his ethnic background--and, more pointedly, does he have any black ancestry? What are his politics? What sort of life has he lived? Who is he married to, and how would somebody who reifies race describe the race of his children? My hunch is that you can't answer any of these questions; that you chose his image because it was free--it's from Unsplash--and because his (relative) oldness and (apparent) whiteness served your instrumental purpose of illustrating a subject line that conflates the words "white," "old," and "racist." One final question, if you don't mind: What's the proper term for a person who adjudges all those who can be categorized as their racial "other" and stigmatized as such to be essentially interchangeable and beneath contempt--and who uses them instrumentally, as a source of profit?